
October TBR

*awkwardly waves*

So, it’s been a while. I never actually put the blog on hiatus…we’ll call that wishful thinking. Despite how long this year has felt I’m not sure where the time has gone.

This year has been crazy, it’s been stressful, and there has been a lot of change as well as a lot of things that have come up personally. That being said I’m not offering excuses, but an apology for the lack of content.


Onto happier and bookish things!

I’ve actually been able to read some. Not just eBooks, but a physical book. I’m amazed. Pretty much all my reading this year was done via audiobook. (Yes that’s reading!) So actually being able to read a physical book is a big deal for me. Have I been reading it (Sorcery of Thorns) for months? Yes, but the point is I’m reading again. So yay!

October TBR

ParaNorman by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

Tunnel of Bones by Victoria Schwab

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson (finish)


Are you reading anything spooky this October? Do you already have any favorite reads of the month?